Words That Move Mountains
This is not just a book. It is your personal conversation with the greatest minds in communication, creativity and life.
You will be inspired, moved and influenced on every single page, with advice and guidance from the world’s most iconic industry and global figures – all brought together – for the very first time – in this book.
They are giants, every one of them.
Leaders and trailblazers.
Their timeless wisdom will advise, educate and help you to be better at what you do.
In the pantheon of life, business and communication, few names shine as brightly as these, who have not just shaped the world with their ideas, but have also articulated their visions in ways that continue to inspire generations.
From the golden quill of David Ogilvy to the visionary insights of Twain, Wilde Lennon and Hemingway – and the inspirational leadership of Churchill and Lincoln, this book, “Words That Move Mountains” is your personal encyclopaedia of astonishing wisdom.
And it’s wisdom that has inspired so many and set standards, built brands, forged empires, and transformed marketplaces everywhere.
Every quote in this collection has been meticulously selected to not only inform but to transform. On the pages of “Words That Move Mountains” you will discover:

Communication secrets that sold millions. Creative strategies that outlived their creators. Inspirational wisdom that continues to motivate leaders, decision makers and innovators around the globe.
This book is your opportunity to see further, by standing on the mighty shoulders of titans. The profound insights and genius inspiration within this book, will redefine the way you think about communication, creativity and success.
You’ll find yourself returning to its timeless wisdom again and again, to be stirred, uplifted and propelled forever onwards and upwards.
‘Words That Move Mountains’ isn’t just a great read. It’s much, much more than that.
It’s a journey – a wonderful odyssey of the mind and spirit – that will leave you continually inspired and forever changed.
A word from your Author
Do you give time to individuals who really know their stuff?
Individuals that rise above. Just like the people in this book.
People who stand out from the crowd, who have not only been in the trenches, but went over the top, survived and had extraordinary success.
Great people. Legendary people. The like of which, we will never see again.
Individuals that David Ogilvy once said, had ‘tasted blood’? Those of us with a few miles on the clock in direct marketing, all know what he meant by that.
Do you actually seek advice from people like that? Do you listen to them? And, of course, act upon what they say?
If you don’t, you should.
For millions of reasons. But here’s the one you should heed the most…
Because they know more than you…

Some of you reading that statement, won’t like it. But swallow it, because it’s true.
These great people DO know more than you – in all the areas of communication that matter. Much more. When compared to them, you are still green behind the ears.
There is so much advice, guidance and inspiration in this book. There is greatness on every page. So, it makes perfect sense to give some thought to what they have to say. Listen to the points they make. And, where appropriate, apply their wisdom and advice to your own challenges – and watch things improve.
Because they undoubtedly will.
After all, these people are the very best copywriters, creatives and iconic leaders the world has ever seen – and, just as importantly, most of them have actually been to where you are trying to go right now.
They went there years ago. Decades ago. Lifetimes ago.
I’m talking about the best there has ever been. Titans, one and all.
Ogilvy, Caples, Hopkins, Lois, Bird, Jayme, Abbott, Hegarty, Bernbach, Gossage, Burnett, Makepeace, Harrison, Raphel, Trott, Sugarman, Webb-Young – and many more like them.
Plus, added to that illustrious list – with their own very special ‘life lessons’ – you’ll find Hemingway, Twain, Orwell, Churchill, Lennon and Lincoln – just to name the first legendary six that come to mind.
What an incredible array of legends. And all brought together here, for the very first time.
You’ll find them ALL in my new book – ‘Words That Move Mountains’. Never before have they all been together like this. Never.
And they seem to celebrate this unique event, by sharing their astonishing wisdom, knowledge and advice with you. And they do it freely and passionately.
Let me tell you this. If you aren’t better at what you do after reading this book – then there is no hope for you. No hope at all.
And I mean that.
Go and bake bread. Drive a cab. Be a traffic warden. Because, being a decision maker or active player in any aspect of communications in business, is clearly not for you.
Or you for it…
But, because you are here – right now – reading this, you clearly have a desire to be better at what you do – and you are keen to listen and learn from people who know more than you. That distances you from the crowd. Listeners are a rare group these days.
So, the next step you need to make, couldn’t be simpler. Acquire this inspirational book right now – in either the paperback and Kindle version. The links are below.
It will only cost you pennies in the whole scheme of things. But from the first page to the last, it’s crammed full of gold nuggets
If you don’t agree with me after reading it, return the book to me personally – and I will give you your money back. Every penny.
And I mean that, too…
Go on. Walk on the wild side for once – and treat yourself. This book could change your life.
The people within it, have certainly changed mine…