What readers are saying about 'Words That Move Mountains'
As this book was only released in June 2024, there are no reviews to share at this time. But, they are soon to follow. As soon as they are available, they will appear here.

What people are saying about Andy…
Eckhard Marshing, CEO, Arcadia, Cape Town South Africa
18. June, 2024.
“You put together a full day’s workshop that not only was professionally and enthusiastically presented, but it kept the audience captivated at all times. Your passion for direct marketing is admirable, and anybody being serious about their continued existence in this business would have been inspired by the passion and knowledge that you shared with the audience.
Your most pertinent comment, ‘times change, people don’t’, really hit home and the content of your workshop did a wonderful job in reminding us of this.
The refers to the great direct marketing campaigns of the grand masters, helped to hit home the point that it is the respect of the fundamentals of great copy that are the cornerstone to successful direct marketing campaigns.
You certainly motivated us to discover or “re-discover” the secrets of successful direct marketing, even to the extent that we now have an enthusiastic “reading community” in our marketing department, enthusiastically reading books of the grand masters you shared with us.
Andy, thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion with us and for inspiring us to see our business as a never-ending, but exciting and rewarding process of learning and perfecting the skills of direct communication. We feel great to be in this industry and I am confident that many of the participants of the Cape Town event left feeling very much the same way.”
Mikhail Kapatsinsky, Marketing Pro, Russia, Moscow
18. June, 2024.
“I have never seen anyone control an audience like Andy. They were riveted to his every word. And, you could actually see them listening to Andy and in their minds, they were already taking the techniques and examples he was presenting and building them into their future campaigns.
I have read many books like Fegele, Bob Stone and others and they were very interesting. But, somehow, this was on a different level. I heard many stories in the 2 months after Andy’s first Masterclass in Moscow last year, of how people increased their response levels as a direct result of incorporating his advice. Now I know why.
This was the biggest marketing show ever in Moscow with 246 delegates.
There were so many people trying to register on the day, we had to put the start of the show back. As a result of this very special event, the Russian DM market received help and advice from unquestionably the most passionate professional in DM - advice that will help and assist in the continued rapid development of direct marketing in this country.”
Jamie Wren, Circulation and Marketing Director, Prospect Publishing Ltd, London, UK.
18. June, 2024.
“For over 3 years, Prospect have been enjoying high-quality direct marketing campaign collateral, written and created by Andy Owen. The exceptional response rates that have been delivered, are proof that copywriting is still a key element of any marketing programme.
Andy has delivered a steady stream of new and inventive creative pieces, whilst keeping the Prospect message at the heart of the campaign message.
Copywriting for response is clearly an art form - and Andy is one of the industry’s greatest exponents”.
Scott Mackay - CEO, Richard Mackay & Sons, Edinburgh
18. June, 2024.
“I can honestly say I am amazed. You took a promotional approach that was proven and that had been running very successfully for over 8 years and transformed it. Your letter produced our best-ever single performance in 75 years of trading.
Iwouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself.”
Alexander Quaglia - Director, Catalyst Media Inc, Toronto, Canada
18. June, 2024.
“I first met Andy at a seminar he was conducting: every comment he made had me nodding my head in agreement. Every time he spoke, I was struck by his ability to accurately assess the needs of both the reader and the seller: I hired him on the spot.
Andy embodies what a great copywriter should be: a knowledgeable leader in his field, in touch with the public, a pleasure to deal with - and, most importantly, a creator of packages that pull.
His work speaks for itself: but his witty commentary and insightful articles that grace us on a regular basis continue to underline his commitment and understanding of the difference between what makes copy mediocre and truly great.
If I could offer a recommendation, I’d ask you NOT to hire Andy: I like to keep great writers all to
myself, please...”
Marc Bridle – Direct Marketing Manager, Time Out Magazine, London
18. June, 2024.
“In the specialised field of subscription marketing, Andy Owen provided Time Out with a skilfully designed, high impact campaign which exceeded all previous response rates.
Andy is quick to understand what the client needs, providing cutting-edge design concepts and effective copywriting.
Working with Time Out’s always developing direct marketing strategy, we have found his advice
and expertise - and his ability to carry through large-scale, time-sensitive projects with seemingly impossible deadlines – totally professional.
Andy Owen is a rarity in this field: an individual that does what he promises.”
Ian Fairservice - Group Editor and Managing Partner, Motivate Publishing, Dubai
18. June, 2024.
"We have taken regular advantage of Andy Owen’s superb copywriting
skills during the past year and have been delighted with the results.
In addition to bringing a freshness of approach and immediacy to our
direct marketing and advertising copy, he responds quickly - and without
fuss - allowing us to meet what are often seemingly unrealistic deadlines”
Simon Watkins - Director, Bolinbroke & Wenley, UK
18. June, 2024.
“Just a short note to say thanks for the “160 Hour Spectacular” letter and
getting it together at such short notice. We’ve now got all the figures in -
and the results speak for themselves.
Last year for the weeks before and after the Bank Holiday we achieved a
total of £312.7K plus Vat. This year we managed a simply sensational
£585.2k plus VAT… an 87% increase! Comfortably beating my target of
£425K and that was considered wildly optimistic by everyone here.
To achieve such an increase at any time is impressive but to do so when
trade is as difficult as it has been this year is really something. Clearly we
would like to think that all our promotional activity contributed to our
success but we have no doubt that the most significant driving factor was
the letter to our customers.”
Tim Jones - Chief Operating Officer, Lamcy Plaza, Dubai, UAE
18. June, 2024.
“Andy Owen raises the skill of writing a direct mail package to an art.
His insights into personal consumer communication are impressive and
his experience in the field invaluable. His unparalleled expertise in the
medium has contributed to many successful promotions that Lamcy has
undertaken in the past.
On this occasion of our winning the “Loyalty Programme of the Year” at
the Retail ME Awards, I wish to acknowledge, thank and congratulate
Andy on his efforts that made the Lamcy-Air Miles Loyalty Programme a
landmark success.”
Mohamed Safieddine - Director Of Marketing, Effemex, Saudi Arabia
18. June, 2024.
“The art of contemporary copywriting, has now got its own Grand
…once Andy has written a sales letter for you, you will never consider
anyone else…
Andy’s passion and enthusiasm for copywriting was infectious.
When we subsequently hired him and saw the quality of his work, we
knew why...
His talent and expertise created a step change in the quality and effect of
our copywriting.
Andy is an inspirational character. A hugely talented copywriter who
certainly opened our eyes to the enormous power of words - rightly
adapted and geared to the Middle East consumer.”
Nick Guyler, Managing Director, Vapes, Huddersfield, UK
18. June, 2024.
“Andy asked me to ‘put something together as a comment on his service’
and I was lost for words.
Not lost for words in the sense of surprise, Andy’s request simply made
me sit and think about something I have learned to take for granted. We
can all see where we want to go in business. Great brand, great image,
beautiful product design; something that communicates with your
customers perfectly - and so on.
The question is, how do you get from that ‘wish for’ to the reality of a
REAL brand that you can have the confidence to invest in, knowing that
the commercial identity and communication is ‘right on the money’?
Andy has championed this for me over the past 3 years, showing
aptitude and appetite for the brief like no other. He continues to provide
unparalleled depth in every new aspect of my brand.
I don’t recommend him, as I don’t want you to use him. He is MINE.”
Ged Rowbottom, Managing Director, Solarlec, Burnley, UK
18. June, 2024.
"Unlike a lot of copywriters, Andy actually listens to you and takes the time to fully understand your product, before he starts the copy.
The result is incredibly effective. Andy’s written words connect to the reader and deliver the benefits and value of the products, in a flowing, yet precise way.
Andy is a professional wordsmith of the very highest order.”
Russell Morris, Board Marketing and Analytics Director, Amazon Prime Video
18. June, 2024.
Andy, you are an expert in direct marketing copy - a true artisan who understands how to write copy that both engages and makes a real customer impact."
Huw Williams, Marketing Director, Leger Holidays, UK
18. June, 2024.
If you want to ensure your copy grabs and holds attention then elicits a positive response, Andy Owen’s your man.
His work is consistently of the highest calibre and has made a demonstrable difference to the success of my direct marketing campaigns."
Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, Writer, Broadcaster and Lecturer
18. June, 2024.
Politicians, Generals and Intelligence Propagandists all know the power of persuasion and how essential it is to their success. So too, do many savvy marketers.
The talent to craft effective persuasive communication is rare and highly valued. Andy Owen is one of those exceptional communicators - and the proof of his skill is demonstrated time and again in measurable results.
The result is his readers and viewers taking the action his persuasive words exhorted them to take. Andy’s fluency comes from using demotic speech and a well-researched knowledge of what appeals to his audience and how they would benefit from what is on offer.
He practices that which two keen observers of persuasion have noted. "If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect." Benjamin Franklin
"I don't know the rules of grammar. If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language." David Ogilvy"